What a whirl wind of a weekend...
I worked double shifts the 24th and 25th because Dea and the kids went to his Mom's. I'm fine with that, The morning of the 24th I realized I didn't want to be at the house so I went to get a coffee and thought about eating at Denny's before work.
I was scrolling through my Facebook stuff when I saw a post from my cousin that read,
"Dear god please let my family get thought this holiday and let my grandpa go in Peace". I called her immediately to find out what was going on.
She had no idea that NO ONE had contacted me concerning my Grandpa. So she informed me that my Grandpa was dying and it would be today or tomorrow. I called my brother immediately to see if her spoke to my dad and low and behold he did.
I tried calling my dad but no answer. I was so hurt, filled with hate. I couldn't stop crying. My emotions were OUT OF CONTROL!!! to say the least.
The next day, the 25th I got a call from my brother at 2:15. I refused to hear about my Grandpa from my brother so I called my dad. He finally answered and broke the news that my Grandpa had died, in a very curt way.
It frustrates me when my family can't pull together in this time of need. We need to rally for eack other and be there so we can all mourn. Instead we have drama, outbreak, and heartbreak.
This is my Grandpa..
What a wonderful, gentle, kind, loving, true to himself man. I will miss him.
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