Saturday, November 27, 2010


Apparently because I don't celebrate holidays I have turned invisible and have no feelings.

I'm pretty sure my family resents me for my religion. Why can't I be looked at like a strong, independent woman, who can make decisions for herself. Why am I judged for being different? Why did my dad call my husband and not me? Why did my dad HAVE to tell me he was going to my cousins house for dinner? Why am I alone? Why did my husband go to his Mom's, only to be unhappy?

Can anybody give me an answer?


  1. You're strong, Susan.
    I told you this yesterday. I admire you for not giving into other people's beliefs and for staying true to what you think is right. You're super strong and I admire that. I'm sorry you feel invisible, that must be terribly hard. Keep truckin, girl. I love you.

  2. I know EXACTLY how you feel! That's why we have to fight against isolating ourselves. What I mean by that is we HAVE to spend time with our brothers & sisters to be able to remain strong in the faith. If ever you need to call me, feel free. May Jehovah bless & sustain you. :)
