Tuesday, July 16, 2013

2 Weeks left of RN1

It has been a crazy, crazy semester, and none of it has been easy. I had my clinicles at IMC and Davis Hospital. IMC was fabulous. I met some great nurses and enjoy my time there, not to mention Beth and I carpooled and that meant "girl time". Then I had to go to Davis, and honestly I was nervous. I was pretty sure that my Instructor Nancy HATED me. I accidentally asked her why she was immature on a paper we hand in weekly. In my defense, I wasn't REALLY trying to make such a statement, but ask a question pertaining to chronic drug users. But it turns out that Nancy didn't hold a grudge against me and my last day is tomorrow. ... I can't believe my last day is tomorrow for clinicals,next  adventure is a couple of Psych rotations and the PRECEPTING!!!!! Hallelujah!! You have no idea how my heart skips a beat thinking about being this close to completing nursing school. 
I have struggled this semester with my Med/Surge class. I had to miss a day for Jeff's graduation, and boy did that screw me. On that test I missed the most I've ever missed on a test and was puton academic   contract. Scared the crap out of me. I was told that the worst case scenario would be to re-do Med/Surge to include clinicles. Are you kidding me!! NO WAY! Worse was when she said I would not go on in August and I would have to re-start in January and go another 2 semesters!!!! At this point, I'm terrified. I have to get my act together and pull through. I must have talked to Marijo 4 times on the phone and we drove to Lava to study with Camille. Turned out to be one of the best weekends ever, I took my test last Monday and freakin nailed it, 90! BOO YAH! Then today we had another test... 99! WHAT!!! Best feeling ever. 
The next hurdle is Monday, the last Med/Surge test of the semester and I want to go into the final with a passing grade. I deserve this. I want this more that anyone else! And I can't imagine gong through nursing school without my class. 

Now on to life update, Jeff got a job working at Mountain Ridge, they love him. He is reliable and willing to help and learn. Des is at her dad's for 3 weeks, which I think is good cause we both needed a break. She's trying to exercise her independence while I'm still trying to hold on, normal stuff. Dea got a second job. And I am scheduled to get an abdominoplasty (i.e. Tummy Tuck) August 8th. Pretty dang excited for that. Things are getting better. I feel good too. It's nice for a change to be happy. :)

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